Monday, April 18, 2011

Compare & Contrast

I  have chosen the movie (500) Days of Summer. Much like me The review has quite a positive look on the film. It has wonderful, likable characters that you can really connect with. The movie has a mix of emotions jumping from "lovey-dovey" to utterly hopeless, but leaves you feeling hopeful and warm at the end. The movie does jump around quite a bit starting on one of the last of the 500 days then jumping to the first, some people did not like this. I thought it was brilliant. as Roger Ebert points out it is how most of us remember things, taking all the good and the bad and separating them to be remembered at different times. Along with being a beautifully directed film, it also has brains, wether it is the witty comedy, that leaves you laughing for days, or the dark emotions that Tom(Joseph Gordon-Levittcomes to feel for summer(Zooey Deschanel) the writing just makes the movie that much more enjoyable. I would recommend this movie to everyone. I'm sure most people can find some part of this movie they absolutely love.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Video clip

Marceline's song from Adventure time!

I love this song, and this show! It has become a fun show that all the kids in my family have come to agree on so we can actually all share the t.v. This song really made me fall in love with the show because it is so random and Marceline has a very lovely voice. (Olivia Olson) That whole episode, It Came from the Nightosphere, has become my all time favorite.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Dream School

If I cold go to any school in the world I would go to the Art Institute of Boston in Massachusetts. I suppose that's why I would go there, just because it's an art school and in Massachusetts. It also has the programs I want: Fine arts and illustration.  They also have Animation and photography so I can hone a variety of skills. I haven't heard much about the school its self but looking through the art work of the students,  it seems like a fun creative place to go. It will also help to be in a new city and state because there will be so many new things to draw my inspiration for my artwork from.

Student work From AIB

My 5 Year Plan

Over the next five years this is how I would like my life to go:
Year one
Let's pretend it's the day of graduation. I wake up get dressed try and look stunning for one of the most important days of my life. However as I'm waiting to go I can't help but start to think about everything I'm going to do after this day. The first thing would be to attend my first college class, art in the summer, at Golden West. Then when the fall comes I will start on my two year art degree and (if at the end of my senior project I end up liking it) start taking classes to be come a therapist, so I may eventually combine the two and go into art therapy. I will also hopefully continue with my job at the hotel I am currently interning at. I will also need to start my professional art portfolio.

Year 2
The next year I will again be in school for the same things. and will have hopefully moved up in the hotel. This will also be the year I start looking at art colleges to attend. I don't have any in mind right now but I'm sure I'll hear about some great ones while getting my degree. I am also hoping to be getting my own apartment and car some where in between years one and two, by both saving money and having my parents help me. I will start taking lots of life drawing classes too to help me enhance my art skills further.

Year 3
By this year I will have my art degree and hopefully be off to the art college of my choice, and still be able to work at a hotel.

Year 4
I will be enrolled in Art college and again working at the hotel. I will also (again, if I am still interested) Be looking at college courses in psychology.

Year 5
I will now (I think) be out of art school and be taking courses to become a therapist. the final step to becoming an art therapist. And by now I hope to be pretty high up in the hotel's chain of command. The reason I have mentioned working in a hotel in all these is because I hope to one day transfer to a hotel of the same brand in Massachusetts. however at this point in time the five year mark seems too soon for that. I might move to Vegas using the same method in the fifth year though.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Letter of Recommendation

Computer Teacher
Back Bay High School
390 Monte Vista Ave
Costa Mesa, Ca 92627

Dear Mr. Walske,           
I am writing, and glad of it, on behalf of Nikki Cooper. She has been a fantastic employ of mine, she is very punctual and is always willing to take on extra opportunities. She strives to do her best with every task I give her.

She has a background in hospitality work. She also has practice in filing and office skills such as word documents, power points, etc. she also has an extensive background in art, and writing.

Nikki is the creative spirit in our establishment. She always has new ideas that keep the costumers coming back. She also plays peacemaker in many employee customer disagreements.

She has also been recognized by her school, and was placed on the honor roll. I have spoken with some of her references and she is indeed well liked by past teachers and employers. Nikki has also won some awards for best artwork.            

Nikki is a fantastic employee and would be a great asset to any team. Anyone who has the chance to work with her is quite lucky.


 Nikki Cooper.